When two individuals tell me separately that I need to look at xFruits, I finally get around to taking a look. This new web service allows one to do some neat things with your content:
- Aggregate RSS feeds from different sources into one feed
- Turn RSS feeds into pdf
- and much more ...
As a sample I took my own eContent feed, and converted it to PDF (free xFruits account required). Thus I was able to "freeze" my content (or someone else's) at a chosen point in time, and convert a variable RSS feed to static pdf ... with active web links. Here is my example:
- eContent PDF RSS Feed ... created with xFruits
The service also allows me to tag and read other folks tags / work. My thanks to Rafael Sidi (Really Simple Sidi Blog) of eiVillage and Dean Brown of Thomson Corporation who both told me I needed to research xFruits.