I've noticed that more and more of the personal, but professional blogs and web sites now include advertisements ... sometimes even in their RSS feeds. I am resisting this trend. I moved my blog away from MSN for a number of reasons, among them the inability of me to remove advertisements. This blogging service through Typepad costs me money, but I believe it is important for me to not accept advertisements. I may be old fashioned, but this relates to my intellectual goals. I want this blog to represent the pursuit of knowledge, not money.
In addition there is the increasing issue of "click fraud". Business Week focused on this issue in a recent cover story and has an interesting podcast available on the subject:
Finally, I had a very interesting dinner conversation this week with the VP of Innovation from a large eLearning company. This firm is playing around with the concept of including advertisements in their eLearning. The knee jerk reaction is to say ... "no way!". However, if they don't pursue this business model, their competition probably will. The answer is never easy. For the moment, this blog is advertisement free.