About eight years ago, at the dawn of the eBooks industry, my company purchased some of our first downloadable software manuals from a forward thinking gentleman, Chris Charuhas. I lost track of Chris; but fast forward a bunch of years and through research I was conducting on OpenOffice.Org, our paths have crossed again . This morning when I logged in to email, I found a message from Chris. He asked my opinion about an expository paper he just released on his own web site:
Chris raises some excellent points, and provides some good links (Krugle Code Search for Developers). I agree with the basic premise of his essay. Knowledge should, and will be free. However, companies that can put context around that knowledge and enhance it's value will still make money. It's worth reading his posting.
As follow up to this posting I invite you to read / link to:
Finally, I'm willing to give a plug for In Pictures, a web service of Chris Charuhas. You will find MS Office and OpenOffice.Org online software tutorials ... in pictures. As 100% of the content is free, Chris obviously believes what he has written in his essay.