This is not an option one faces, but it does represent technology I am exploring these days. I am down in Nashville attending a technical conference, and with each presentation I become increasingly intrigued with only evaluating content that incorporates Google One Box. During one presentation today, the speaker said it's not about search, it's about "Find". I couldn't agree more. If you're not familiar with one box, it allows proprietary databases to be indexed by an internal Google search appliance.
Why is this important? If you spend your time trying to convince your users to visit your preferred tool, you've already missed the boat. Find out where your users spend their virtual time, and then try to be present in those domains. I know my users are on Google ... thus I want my internal content to come up via their searches.
Oh yes ... Linux. My Fall project is to install Ubuntu on an old laptop and create a basic email / word processing computer. Thankfully, Ubuntu has created a month of screencasts (one per day) to help me navigate through the process. Ubuntu allows one to either download or have a free Linux installation cd sent to them. I'll let everyone know how the experiment turns out.