Good Saturday morning. As I wait for the sun to rise and warm the air a bit (36 degrees) before leaving on a 12 mile run, I'm focused upon patents?! As much as I prefer to avoid lawyers, engineering content requires that one pay attention to this domain. Via one of my Google keyword RSS feeds, I stumbled upon "The Invent Blog". My curiosity was piqued due to the reference to a screencast about PatentFizz. Wow, I thought ... maybe here is a challenge to network media shows like Lost!
Sadly, Lost will still reign supreme, but The Invent Blog seems to be a good place to hang your hat if you need to subscribe to at least one blog that focuses upon intellectual property and the law. I did both Google and Technorati searches, and the results were good. Stephen Nipper has been blogging since January of 2004, and seems to know his stuff.