In a few minutes, I'll attend a consortium meeting of many large corporations. As I've not asked their permission to be included in this post, their company names shall remain anonymous. However, our meeting's focus including the use of Web 2.0 tools for knowledge sharing and learning is not secretive. Our agenda includes demos by Connectbeam, Google, Safari Online Books and SocialText. Each firm will review their knowledge sharing tools.
Why should you be interested? We're practicing what we preach. Our consortium's engineering learning wiki is up and open for business. Access is open to everyone. Just last night an anonymous wiki visitor (no membership required) added these links to the Engineering Software Tools Page:
- CATIA Community (The Independent Community for CATIA, ENOVIA, DELMIA, & SMARTEAM Users)
- Inventor Connections (The Independent Community for Autodesk Inventorâ„¢ Users)
- MicroStation Connections (The Independent Community for MicroStation Users)
- SolidEdge Community (The Independent Community for Solid Edge Users)
- SolidWorks Community (For Users of SolidWorks, COSMOSWorks, PDMWorks, and affiliated products)
- UGS Community (The Independent Community for UGS, NX, I-DEAS, Teamcenter, Technomatix Users)
It would be super if all readers of this blog would add useful content to the wiki, but even for you lurkers, the wiki allows easy monitoring via the main RSS Feed.
Finally, if you don't thing the world is changing ... browse on over to NineSigma. This firm's expanding business model uses online collaboration to solve Fortune 100 engineering research problems ... and even get paid! View some current projects.