Hey thanks! If one searches on <engineering> and <wiki>, our Engineering Learning Wiki is up to #6 in Google Results. Enclose that phrase in quotes and we rise to #4! Watch out Wikipedia! (just kidding)
Just today, Mr. Anonymous added to the engineering manuals section:
- In Pictures (In Pictures online tutorials are based on pictures, not words.)
What's even more cool, is Mr. Anonymous sent me an email to ask permission first. I obviously know this person's name, but without permission I would never post personal information ... even a name! Thanks Mr. Anonymous.
What this does show is that I needed to trust the collective web and allow for anonymous posting. Folks really hate signing up for another account, but are very willing to help and collectively help build knowledge.
Have you seen the Dartmouth study about anonymous contributors? http://www.dartmouth.edu/~news/releases/2007/10/17.html
"By subdividing their analysis by registered versus anonymous contributors, the researchers found that among those who contribute often, registered users are more reliable. And they discovered that among those who contribute only a little, the anonymous users are more reliable. The researchers were most surprised to find that the reliability of Good Samaritans' contributions were at least as high as that of the more reputable registered users' contributions."
I think this ties in with your observation -- people aren't often going to sign up for a new account just to make a contribution in passing, but those contributions in passing can add up to good value.
Rich responds: Given Dartmouth is my alma matter, I had better check them out. Thanks!
Posted by: Sarah Elkins | November 01, 2007 at 09:44 AM