Ah ... the good old days ... back in the Fall of 1976. I took a term off from Dartmouth, and backpacked through Europe. Now my son Carl will do the same ... he leaves tonight. However, Carl will blog about the subject. My parents we're lucky to hear anything from me. The only way to contact me was to mail a letter to an American Express office in the hopes I might travel through that locale. Carl will have Skype, his blog, etc.
Thus, follow a college student's experiences as he backpacks through Europe via Carl's Travel Blog (or subscribe via RSS). I posted this comment on my son's blog:
"Back in 1976, during my own backpacking trip through Europe, my experiences ranged from hiking up to the edge of an active volcano (Mt. Etna in Sicily) to serving as a guest DJ for an underground communist radio station. Thankfully I'm still alive, and did not ever get arrested! Have fun ... Dad"