My, what a tangled web we weave!
This morning the Northstar Nerd may be found among the corn fields of rural Illinois, a few weeks ago I posted about Silicon Valley vs. Lake Superior Hot Spots. However, most of my visitors today come from the New York Times' article on data visualization. Yes ... as I get ready to head back to Minnesota, the NY Times featured my tutorial on Data Visualization. This post was actually part of a two part series on the importance of looking at data. This is how I led off my earlier post:
- "Last Summer Second Life was all the rage in the popular media. In fact, one of the most linked (and found) pages on this blog are the Second Life Tutorials (more SL posts). However, as much as SL gathered media attention, the bigger interest for most of us was the discipline of engineering simulation and data visualization."
Welcome New York Times Visitors. Here are some key links:
Bye for now; it's time to get back in the car and drive another 400 miles. I've dropped off my youngest son at his new engineering college, Rose-Hulman. Molly and I were impressed with his choice of schools. His new engineering faculuty advisor actually stopped by his dorm room to say hello and introduce herself while we were unloading the van! How many engineering colleges would that happen at? (see my search for the perfect engineering college)
(Update on Oct. 27, 2008 ... See Microsoft's new visualization tool, DataDepot)