We had a citizenship celebration last night, which actually began years ago with peaceful democratic protests in Togo. Unfortunately, the ruling junta thought otherwise and imprisoned Yawo. After torture and worse ... and with a little bit of luck Yawo escaped to the United States. Yesterday Yawo received notification that he will take the oath of citizenship on June 3rd! Thus on the first warm sunny evening of the Minnesota spring we celebrated with our house guest. Our evening finished at the local ice cream parlor. What could be better! (my choice ... a scoop each of double chocolate and blueberry ice cream)
Earlier in the day I gave Yawo the American flag first given to me as a child. We discussed that for all the problems the United States of America has, we have one HUGE asset ... freedom. I also told Yawo that if he ever sees someone desecrating the US flag, don't take offense ... take pride in your new country! The right of peaceful protest and to "think differently" is what makes America great.
If you are so inclined, please give Yawo your congratulations and advice via the comments field! For my readers of this blog from other countries, I understand there are other great nations in the world, but grant me this moment of celebration. Thank you. (click to expand either photo to full size)
Post Update: There will be an open house celebration in Yawo's honor on Wednesday, June 3rd at 6:30 p.m. in New Hope, Minnesota (Rich and Molly Hoeg's home). All are welcome.