As I head off the grid for nine days in northern Minnesota (no phone, no TV, no microwave ... just R&R with my family in the deep woods with a glass of wine!), it somehow seems appropriate to leave you with this post ... and thought from Demos, A London based think tank (thanks to Jane Hart for the link).
Hopes and dreams matter...
Personal dreams must be taken more seriously, especially during a recession. Demos travelled the country asking people about their lives and what they wished for in the future. Far from a 'broken society' we found an optimistic, realistic and altruistic Britain.
In addition, you'll find a report on the state of education in the United Kingdom ... The Edgeless University. The full report may be downloaded from this link. Here is a very brief overview, which could really be about almost any service affected by technology. Do you fear it, or embrace change? Time for my first glass of wine!