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September 24, 2010


Teresa boardman

Rich I rarely leave comments on blogs, not even a sentence. I was honestly curious and so I asked. No I don't proved search engine data and bench marks for the traffic my listings get o the Edina realty web site. I am not sure I understand the meaning of the numbers and no one has ever asked for the.

Response from Rich: Fair enough! I know we were both featured in a online article by a Duluth based web 2.0 marketing firm. I'll let everyone know, including you what additional data I get, if any. Thanks for the comments.

Teresa boardman

Have you asked for additional data?

Response from Rich: "Yes, but so far that additional analytics data has not been forthcoming (i.e. anonymous benchmarks). I'm not certain Edina Realty is used to working with a super techie customer like me.

I have a question for you ... it's easy to leave a one sentence comment on my blog. You are a real estate professional on the other side of the metro (St. Paul). What do you provide for your clients in terms of analytics? Do you provide similar search engine data "with" benchmarks? I'll contact you privately via email, and give you the opportunity to show me what you do ... as long as I can take screenshots during the virtual meeting and post it back to NorthstarNerd.Org. Thanks.

Jim Lattin

Very interesting and thoughtful (as always). Did you ever contemplate asking these questions *before* choosing a real estate agent? Also, I wonder to what extent your numbers are contaminated by your web presence (i.e., blog, Facebook, etc.). At the very least, you probably need to "correct" your web traffic to account for out-of-state visitors (like myself) who are merely curious about your home-selling exploits but not serious potential buyers.

Good luck!

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