In northern Ontario this past Saturday, the Algoma Central Railroad ran a special train which took 80 skiers north into the Lake Superior Wilderness. After an hour plus ride the engine stopped and let our guide get off the train to insure that the proper trail had been found. Apparently we were at the correct spot as the approval was given for everyone to get off the train in the middle of the forest (no town, village or even cabin sight!). Skis were unloaded from the baggage car and everyone traipsed through the thigh deep snow to start our 25 kilometer ski back to Stokely Creek Lodge. There were two stops for tea along the way, but not a single road was crossed. The first aide station was a small creek where tea was warmed by a small burner, while the second stop was Trapper Norm’s cabin in the Alogoma Central Highlands. After Norm’s we skied 10 more kilometers back to Stokely Lodge for a barbecue and band. Ski conditions were fantastic with 6 inches of new snow the previous night, on top of an extremely deep base. The goal of this loppet is fellowship, not racing! What a great end to Nordic Ski Week.
Here is a animated musical slideshow of the Wabos Loppet!
Wabos Loppet on PhotoPeach (pop-open window does not work in Chrome)
And two photos ... (click to maximize)
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Roberto Evaristo | March 06, 2012 at 05:04 PM