What defines beauty in this world? I hope it is not dead habitat. Please take a look at these photographs which were taken within fifteen minutes of each other shortly after sunrise on a Winter morning in Heathrow, Florida. While one set of homeowners have beautifully manicured lawns, their view is sterile and dead. The other folks have a varied view which is alive with birds and other wildlife.
I personally think that the rushes and waterplants are much more pretty that "just" green grass. Interestingly enough these two ponds are within a few hundred yards of each other in the same neighborhood. Please give some thought as to why you might like a perfectly manicured lawn. Not only are you creating a "dead zone", your view out of the window will always be more boring.
The last photograph in this series is my own "lawn" in northern Minnesota. You will see I practice what I preach! My yard starts with the tall grasses seen in the final. Assuming you've read this far, browse on over to my 365 Day Photography Project. My theme is birds; I am required to find and photograph at least one bird per day. In the Summer that is not a challenge, but in the dead of Winter in northern Minnesota one sometimes has to work at finding a feathered friend.