Many of my long time NorthStarNerd readers will have noticed I have not posted frequently on this web site. In truth, I have been busy blogging, but over on my 365DaysOfBirds web site. This past January 23, conicentally on my wife's birthday, I began a 365 day photography project. My goal was to become a better photographer, and get consistantly off the "auto" setting on my camera. By selecting birds as my subject matter I knew I would be choosing a difficult topic. After all, it's easy to take a photograph of anything for one year, but here in northern Minnesota even finding birds during the cold harsh winter days of January can be difficult. In addition, I knew photographing birds during the June fog that rolls in off Lake Superior would also be a challenge.
Now in mid October I have reached day number 268 of my effort. This experiment has been a success. Here are some photos I have taken just in the last week. In addition to my "bird photography" I have learned how to take photos in low light, and the dark of night. Are you a photographer who wants to improve? Try out a 365 day project and push your own limits.
My own equipment is not expensive. My investment is a Canon SX40 camera ($365: a bridging camera ... not a consumer camera, nor a DSLR) and Photoshop Elements 12 ($75)
(click upon any image to view at full size / resolutions)
Northern Lights at Knife River, Minnesota