Here is the latest computer engineering prank from the hallowed halls of academic learning (via my son).
Find a friend's computer which is unattended, hopefully not an software engineering student. From the task manager turn off explorer.exe process and insert your favorite screenshot for the desktop image. Sit back and enjoy your friend's frustration! (and for this I am paying thousands of dollars per year in tuition for my son?!). Actually, GE has offered Erik (my son) a very nice electrical engineering co-op job ... thus some of the money must be well spent. Anyhow, Happy Thanksgiving everyone. At home on vacation enjoying time with my devious son who is also on Thanksgiving break from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. I plan to password protect my home latop ASAP!
And from MIT, learn about some classic engineering pranks ... such as how MIT students took over the Rose Bowl scoreboard to announce they were beating CalTech!